Dermatology research 2025
Dermatology innovations

Men’s skin Type

Men’s skin type

normal skin:

Small, clear pores. No trace of blemishes or comedonal acne could be found. This type of skin seems to be soft , smooth and flawless in its twenties. Prevention and antiaging care starts as early as age thirty for this type of skin. Suggested antiaging skin care: Men’s Day Effect for Normal to Dry skin. Men’s Night Treatment. Men’s Day Treatment, Eye Treatment, anti aging eye serum.

dry skin:

Minimal, unperceivable pores. No trace of blemishes or blackheads could be found. This type of skin seems to be extremely smooth in its early twenties. It’s very prone to premature aging. It could turn flaky from time to time especially if it’s not taken care of. Sensitivities to different chemicals and scents are very common among people with this type of skin. Prevention and antiaging care starts as early as age twenty five for this type of skin. Suggested antiaging skin care: Day Effect for very Dry skin. Men’s Night Treatment. Men’s Day Treatment, dermal repair complex, Eye Treatment

oily, acne prone skin:

Clearly visible, enlarged pores. Skin secretion are considerable at age twenty and earlier. Blemishes and blackheads are experienced by this type of skin. This type of skin is more resistant to aging process, however, acne scars caused by acne could damage the visage of the this type of skin. Acne treatment may be initiated as early as the appearance of the very first lesions at puberty and after to prevent acne scarring. Antiaging care starts as early as age thirty five. Suggested antiaging skin care: Day Effect for acne prone skin, acne treatment kit.

combination skin:

Enlarged pores on T-zone, forehead-nose-chin is characteristic of this men’s skin type. The skin looks shiny around these areas and appreciably oily. Cheeks and neck areas could be quite normal. This type of skin is also acne prone. Anti aging care starts as early as age thirty for this type of skin. Suggested antiaging skincare for men: Day Effect for Normal to Dry skin. Night skincare for men, Night Treatment. Day skincare for men, Day Treatment, Eye Treatment

General Guidelines for various forms of men’s skin type:

1. Cleansing is the first step in any skin care regimen. Cleanse your entire face and neck area by a gentle cleanser (do not use any type of soap to cleanse your skin) before applying a treatment at nights. If you a cleanser is not handy, use a shampoo to wash your face. Ensure your face is dry before application of night serum.

2. Moisturize your skin everyday when you wake up in the morning to protect your skin against environmental harshness. Use of sun blocks is also very crucial. Physical sunscreens are much safer as opposed to chemical sunscreens. Our anti aging sunscreen only uses physical sunscreens.

3. Exfoliate your skin once every week with a gentle exfoliator using your circular fingertips motions. Hot bathes may be quite useful once every week as they could loosen scales on your skin and make exfoliation more effective (we do not recommend use of hot bathes more than once a week). Also they help to deep cleanse your skin. Use plenty amount of moisturizer after a hot bath. Cold showers everyday are very refreshing and part of Hippocrates antiaging skin care.