Dermatology research 2025
Dermatology innovations

Acne treatment kit

30 ml - 1 fl.oz, 60 ml - 2 fl.oz, 180ml - 6 fl.oz
USD $107

Hypoallergenic, All skin types

Product Brief

Dermatological approach to skin care for acne

Acne treatment kit, an evidence-based skin care for treatment of acne vulgaris, contains three products:

  • Acne treatment serum;
  • Sebum regulating Day effect;
  • Balancing pore-cleanser and toner

Product hightlights

The treatment kit is an all-encompassing control of inflammatory acne by addressing all aspects of pathogenesis of acne vulgaris, which includes sebum dysregulation, hyperconification of sebaceous ducts, bacterial colonization and inflammation. This kit aim:

  • To purify the skin and clarify the pores inside out
  • To eradicate bacteria, Propionibacterium acnes, residing in skin pores and control bacterial colonization
  • To regulate the skin secretions, control sebum production and balance skin homeostasis, concurrent with skin’s moisturization
  • To counteract hormonal imbalance at dermal-epidermal level
  • To even tone the complexion and eliminate skin discolorations, kojic acid
  • To minimize and tighten the pores
  • To control inflammatory cytokines and relieve skin’s stress employing epidermal growth factor
  • Reliably effective in treatment of closed and comedonal acne, whiteheads and blackheads

  • The acne kit for oily skin, a multidisciplinary approach to treatment of acne vulgaris, is a supply for two months, comprises of three formulations:

    Acne treatment serum

    A concentrated acne serum to retexturize the skin and control sebum secretion. It challenges hypercornification, one of the main culprits in acne vulgaris pathogenesis while it contains inflammation. It also tighten the pores and resurface the skin to improve scarring appearance.

    Acne treatment serum targets the four main pathological culprits causing acne vulgarisAcne treatment serum targets the four main pathological culprits causing acne vulgaris

    Acne prevention cream

    A sebum regulating moisturizer to balance secretions, regulate sebum, attenuate inflammation and sooth the skin using the finest botanical extract. Day Effect continues work of acne treatment serum during the day to shape up a twenty four hour control on sebaceous activity. Empirical evidences indicate that while acne prone skin tends to be oily which contributes to pathology of the disease, drying out the skin appears to be stimulatory to sebaceous hyperactivity and aggravate the sequence of events in acne pathology. Bolstering the skin with essential lipids shortened in androgen-affected unrestrained sebaceous follicles, Day Effect allows the frayed skin to regain its resilience and thrive in an environment more favorable to its function.

    acne prevention creamAcne prevention cream effectively prevents acne breakouts and prolong remissions, not an oil free product defying conventions which has long reined acne treatment guidelines

    Lipid peroxidation has been addressed in acne prevention cream

    Corrective transepidermal hydrator, Day effect, is luxuriantly lavished with most robust-acting antioxidants to fight free radicals damage and lipid peroxidation which further exaggerates inflammatory course of acne. Loss of cutaneous native antioxidants is evident in acne as a result of significantly higher squalene peroxide, which oxidizes glutathione, following overproduction of squalene in sebum. Squalene peroxide is highly comedogenic and notorious for inciting lipooxigenase, LOX, activity.

    This acne skin care product regulates sebum by alleviating cytokines processes and by nurturing the skin with essential anti inflammatory lipids lost during sebum overproduction. Empirical data uniformly suggest a change in epidermal fatty acids composition during course of acne with some exhibiting antimicrobial activity. The longer acne persists the more likely and more severely development of acne scars. Day Effect also activates the skin intrinsic healing mechanisms to prevent acne scars right at the inception.

    Acne Pore-Cleanser to prevent bacterial dysbiosis

    A formulation that targets bacterial colonization and cytokines production to effectively control inflammatory acne. This acne facial cleanser respects skin’s natural pH and prevents bacterial dysbiosis, a commonly-occurring vicious outcome of frequent antibiotics use or harsh skin cleansers, widely used to treat acne vulgaris.

    Balancing skin cleanser also replenishes depleted skin lipids conveyed through malfunction of overzealous sebaceous glands stoked in acne disease. It is of note that in acne prone skin lipids undergo change in composition and while oily skin appears central to the pathogenesis of acne, certain lipids sustain loss and decline, which further deteriorates inflammation.

    Sebaceous fatty acids in acne treatmentAcne cleanser in parallel with acne treatment serum and prevention cream effectively controls bacterial dysbiosis, casting an alarming doubt on practices which exceedingly rely on benzoyl peroxide and topical antibiotics

    Inflammatory processes are well paid attention to in the formula and the product re-balances skin’s microbiome to largely control  this major culprit of the disease amplified by several contributory constituents including those less speculated and examined such as diet and smoking.

    Commonly observed in acne prone skin, wide-open pores are subject to deep cleansing with each application of balancing acne cleanser while the product purveys a milieu which gradually imposes a tightening effect on the skin pores. The three acne skin care products in the treatment kit have a synergistic effect in order to produce a more effectual result and using them together very much suggested. Balancing acne cleanser has been developed hypoallergenic, to be used even for most sensitive skin.

    acne scars treatment kit, an alternative to acne treatment kit

    While acne kit helps with removing scarring and skin discolorations as a result of persisting acne lesions, acne scars treatment kit is primarily formulated to improve appearance of acne scars and residual hyper pigmentation areas more efficiently.

    Acne scars treatment kit of 4 illustrious formulations boldly moving forward in pioneering acne scars treatmentAcne scars treatment kit of 4 illustrious formulations boldly moving forward in pioneering acne scars treatment

  • How to use the treatment kit

    The serum must be used at night. It has a synergistic effect with acne prevention cream and acne cleanser. These three products must be used together to produce the optimal result. This kit is a two months supply with intended use.
    How to use “Acne Treatment Serum”
    1. open the bottle, empty the dropper content inside the bottle and close the cap. Shake the bottle well to activate the product.
    2. Use 10 drops or less when you are using the product for the first time. Massage well all around your entire face and neck. You can increase the amount you use to 15 drops every night after a week.
    3. Do not use the treatment serum only on acne lesions. Use the product on your entire face.
    4. Do not use Acne Treatment serum while you are using other treatment products for acne. This can result in skin redness and dryness.
    5. If you experience redness on the face, skip one night and rest your skin for a night without using the serum.
    6. While your acne shows signs of improvement, some redness may be seen which is normal.
    7. Make sure you are using the prevention cream in the morning while you are using Acne Treatment Serum at night. Use prevention cream liberally during the day and any time you notice signs of redness or dryness.
    8. The cleanser may be used twice once in the morning and once at night. Use a cotton ball to distribute the cleanser all across your entire face and neck area.
    9. Do not overuse the products. These products are intended for use in the amounts they are advised.
    10. Each night before using Acne Treatment Serum check your skin for redness. If a noticeable redness there on your face do not use the serum till the night after.
    Redness with use of the product may occur in the following situations:
    1. Overuse; 2. Use of Acne Treatment Kit with other treatment products; 3. Not shaking the bottle before each use
    Please follow the instructions thoroughly to ensure optimum benefits.

    Body acne treatment

    Body acne treatment is specifically formulated for acne breakouts over the back, chest and shoulders since the skin in these areas is different to the face in terms of pH, skin thickness, density of sebaceous glands. For more information on acne lesions on the body and treatment approach please visit body acne treatment page.

    body acne treatment a product develop to address acne lesions on the back, chest and shouldersA)Body Acne Treatment, a product developed to address acne lesions on the back, chest and shoulders

  • Who can use acne treatment kit?

    This kit could be used in mild to moderate acne which manifests with comedones, papulovesicular lesions as well as pustules. Severe acne, characterized by larger, more inflammatory lesions such as nodules and cysts, should be consulted by a physician. Body acne treatment is to treat the lesions involving back, shoulders and arms.

    Variability in severity, manifestation and underlying mechanisms lead us to broaden treatment armamentarium and way of approach to acne disease. Accordingly, a treatment method which commonly focuses on a single modality often fails. In line with preceding statements, best acne treatment is developed with one objective of fighting acne in multitude of axes, each intended to either correct one underlying pathology or break an interconnection between two culprits and disrupt the whole circuit.

    A quick look at acne etiology and how acne treatment kit address the pathology implicated in acne lesionsA diagram displaying acne etiology and how acne treatment kit address the pathology implicated in acne lesions

    Acne severity and precautions

    Acne treatment serum must be used at night after cleansing with Balancing Pore-Cleanser while Regulating Day Effect is used during the day and as needed as a rescue treatment to control oily skin. Medical literature suggests acne skin care whether as a monotherapy for mild disease or as an adjunctive in combination with prescribed medications in more severe cases. Acne kit may be used during exacerbation of mild to moderate acne as well as during remissions of severe acne as a maintenance therapy. Nevertheless, acne skin care as a preventative method is warranted in all phases of severe acne. This kit is a supply for two months when used according to the instructions.

    Severe acne, defined by nodules and cysts, inflamed and rather painful, tender to touch, must be consulted by a physician. The photo below shows an example of a patient with severe acne.

    Severe acne must be consulted with a physicianInflammatory nodulocystic acne lesions are examined tender and occasionally painful, severe acne must be consulted with a physician